What is Square Dancing?
There are eight people in a square, which is broken down to two persons on each side of the square. A Caller instructs or "calls" the moves for the dancers to make following the beat of a song with the objective of making sure, when the song ends, the dancers are in the same square position in which they started. Square Dancing is performed to any music having a steady count of four beats. If you can count to four, you can square dance! |
What is Round Dancing?
Round Dancing is a form of social ballroom dancing for couples/pairs/singles in which the steps are choreographed precisely to a specific piece of music, and those steps are announced by a "cuer" as the dancers move in a counter clockwise pattern around the dance floor. The presence of the cuer makes a Round Dance look different than the usual ballroom dance as all the couples are dancing in unison. |
Why should we Square Dance and Round Dance?
According to studies, Square and Round Dancing is an excellent aerobic and mental exercise. In addition, dancing is a social event where you meet many people with at least one similar interest - dancing. Since physical activity is proven to increase endorphins (the chemical in your brain which increases pleasure), most people find that after a Square and Round Dance they have less stress and are happier. |
Who does Square and Round Dancing?
People from all walks of life square and round dance. The common interest is the joy of dancing. Couples, singles, and families come to dance. Tri Squares welcomes all ages* for lessons and dances. (*Dancers under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during all Tri Squares’ lessons and club dances.) |
Is it hard to learn?
Square and Round Dancing are both mental and physical. Learning the calls (or steps) requires a certain degree of concentration and memorization. Lessons are cumulative and a review of prior steps taught is conducted before moving to new steps each week. By the time lessons are complete, many of the steps will be second nature to you. In addition, lessons have experienced square and round dancers present, whom we refer to as Angels. Angels are there to assist the instructor with the students in learning the dance steps. Angels are there to help students learn and to make sure the student has fun. After all, learning should be a fun experience! |
Do I have to know how to Square Dance in order to learn to Round Dance?
Since the moves in Round Dancing are different than in Square dancing, you do not need to know how to square dance in order to learn to Round dance. |
How long does it take for Square Dance lessons?
There are a total of 68 Mainstream square dance moves. Tri Squares lessons are broken in to two 10-week segments. The first segment - Basic Mainstream (B-51) - covers the first 51 dance moves. The second segment - Mainstream - covers the final moves, 52 to 68, while at the same time reviewing the moves already learned in Basic lessons. All Tri Squares lessons run for two hours and are usually held on Sunday afternoons at the Tigard Grange. |
What if I don't know anybody at the class?
Experienced dancers (Angels) are always at lessons to assist students in the learning process. Within a very short time you will meet and make friends with a number of club and class members. |
What about Singles? Do have to bring a partner?
All Singles are welcome. If a "new dancer or student" partner is not available, an Angel will happily be your partner. |
What does it cost to attend Square Dance lessons?
Normally, the first couple square dance lessons are free. All remaining weekly lessons work out to be just $6 per person; Youth (under 16) $4 per youth. |
What happens after we finish Square Dance lessons?
Once you have finished learning all 68 Mainstream moves, you can attend any square dance at any club, anywhere. Knowing all 68 Mainstream square dance moves will enable you to dance at the Mainstream level at any square dance club locally, nationally, and even anywhere in the world. Believe it or not, all Mainstream moves are called in English no matter where in the world you are dancing. |
Do I really have to wear one of those funny outfits?
Lessons are always casual dress: jeans and tennis shoes are common attire for both genders. Traditional square dance, western-style, or smart-casual attire is the guideline at Tri Squares Club dances, however, we want you to come dancing no matter what you are wearing. Some women choose to wear western-style dresses, skirts, prairie skirts, and even slacks or jeans. There are women who enjoy dressing in petticoats with full skirts while others prefer to dress a bit more casual. Men may wear long-sleeved shirts and slacks or kahkis. Men dancers often wear jeans, too. Shoes should always be comfortable for dancing for both men and women. |
What happens at a Square and Round Dance?
Typically at a dance, squares of eight are created and two dances occur: this is referred to as a Tip. The first dance in the Tip is usually a Patter Call (no song verse), and the second dance is a Singing Call. The Tip is then followed by two round dances, which can be 2-Step, Waltz, Cha Cha, Rumba, or a combination. Yes, you can take lessons to learn to round dance, too! The Tip and Round dance pattern is repeated throughout the evening. You are not required to dance every dance in the evening. You may choose to sit out a Tip, Round, or both. |
What does it cost to attend a Square/Round Dance?
Most dances in Oregon and Washington average $5 to $6 per person. Tri Squares’ dances cost $6 per person / Youth (under 18) $3 per person. |
Are there refreshments at the dances?
Most dances include a break for refreshments at some point during the evening. Tri Squares Club, like many other clubs, offers a closing refreshment period at the end of the evening’s dance. It is not unusual for the club members to bring a dish to share inspired by the night's dance theme. Pastries of all kinds, fruits, and vegetable snacks are just some of the tasty foods you will see offered. |
Do I need to join a Square Dance Club?
While it is not necessary to join a square dance club, you will probably find that you want to do so. Joining a club, such as Tri Squares, gives you a voice in the vision, management, and activities of the club. In addition to the regularly scheduled dances, the Tri Squares Club holds other social activities: mystery trips, annual picnics, and holiday dinners. Many members have found friendships during dances and activities that continue outside of club. The Tri Squares Club is an incorporated, not-for-profit club. Members dues are used to cover the cost of hall rental, Caller and Cuer fees, and other general club expenses throughout the year. Tri Squares members also contribute by helping with duties such as hosting evening dances, selling door tickets, opening and closing the Tigard Grange after the dance, and assisting during lessons. The Tri Squares Club also has an insurance policy (included in the members' yearly dues paid) that can provide secondary insurance coverage for its members in case of an injury at a square dance. |
Are there other clubs in Oregon?
There are over 100 Square Dance and Round Dance Clubs in Oregon alone. If you happen to be going skiing in Central Oregon or vacationing at the beach, there is always a square dance club nearby who have a welcome mat at their door for visitors. The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs publishes a monthly magazine called the OFN which gives current dance location and information throughout the state of Oregon. Look at the More Square Dancing Information tab on this web site for more information.
There are over 100 Square Dance and Round Dance Clubs in Oregon alone. If you happen to be going skiing in Central Oregon or vacationing at the beach, there is always a square dance club nearby who have a welcome mat at their door for visitors. The Oregon Federation of Square and Round Dance Clubs publishes a monthly magazine called the OFN which gives current dance location and information throughout the state of Oregon. Look at the More Square Dancing Information tab on this web site for more information.