Mainstream Moves 52-68 lessons starting Sunday January 5th 2025 3:30pm to 5:30pm at the Kinton Grange 19015 SW Scholls Ferry Road Beaverton, OR 97007 Class Instructor: Terry Halley Sunday Lesson Dates are: January 5th, 12th, 19th, 26th February 2nd, 9th, 16th, 23rd March 2nd, 9th |
The second phase of square dance lessons, Mainstream - moves 52 to 68, start January 5th, 2025, and will include ten lessons.
The cost of the 10 weeks of Mainstream lessons is: Adult = $70 / Youth (under 16) = $35.
The class instructor will be teaching the remaining Mainstream square dance moves while also working in the moves students learned in the first phase of lessons (B-51) to build on the students' knowledge. Students will be introduced to more singing calls done to a variety of music as the lessons progress. Once the students graduate (complete) lessons, they will have the knowledge to attend regular square dances.
Knowing all 68 Mainstream square dance moves will enable the newly graduated dancer to dance at the Mainstream level at any square dance club locally, nationally, and anywhere in the world. Believe it or not, all Mainstream square dance moves are called in English no matter where on earth you are dancing.
Students are encouraged to come dressed casually and wear comfortable shoes. Jeans and tennis shoes are acceptable for all to wear for lessons.
The cost of the 10 weeks of Mainstream lessons is: Adult = $70 / Youth (under 16) = $35.
The class instructor will be teaching the remaining Mainstream square dance moves while also working in the moves students learned in the first phase of lessons (B-51) to build on the students' knowledge. Students will be introduced to more singing calls done to a variety of music as the lessons progress. Once the students graduate (complete) lessons, they will have the knowledge to attend regular square dances.
Knowing all 68 Mainstream square dance moves will enable the newly graduated dancer to dance at the Mainstream level at any square dance club locally, nationally, and anywhere in the world. Believe it or not, all Mainstream square dance moves are called in English no matter where on earth you are dancing.
Students are encouraged to come dressed casually and wear comfortable shoes. Jeans and tennis shoes are acceptable for all to wear for lessons.
Be sure to let us know if you need additional information about the Mainstream phase of lessons. We can be reached at: [email protected]
* Students under the age of 18 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian during all lessons.